GGJ 2015: Part 1 – The First Hours.
At the end of January I was able to participate in the Global Game Jam. You can read more about game jam as a whole here: Link It was a thrilling and sleep deprived 48 hours of fun and creativity. There was just something electric about being in a space with dozens of other people creating unique projects. I went in with no team, and looked for one to join, and ended up in a small team of 3.
Our team consisted of two more technically minded people, working on the code, and me working on the art for the game. I packed light for the event, only bringing my laptop, and an extra monitor. I also made sure to load up on software in the week beforehand, so I had my trusted copy of Photoshop, Maya, and Blender all ready to go. I Made sure to have copies of unity, and unreal loaded as well.
The team I was apart of was huge into virtual reality, and really wanted to make a game for it. The only Idea we had going in was that we wanted to use the headtracking as the only input source, or at least rely on it for the majority of the input. This led us to two possible ideas:
- You are dodging things flying at you, by moving your head.
- You are interacting with a really small world on the desk in front of you.
We ended up going with the first choice, and I was given the task of coming up with possible setting and a story as to why things were flying around your head.
Read part 2: Here